Stay Hydrated and Healthy: Essential Tips for Outdoor Workers

TEC Group specializes in the unique staffing needs of accounting and finance-related positions. We use our market experience, and comprehensive recruiting process to find the most qualified and skilled employees to meet your workplace needs.

As the weather warms up, more outdoor jobs become available in the northern states, including construction and landscaping. However, working outside in the heat poses health risks, especially dehydration. At TEC Group, we prioritize the well-being of workers. In this blog, we’ll provide crucial tips for staying hydrated and healthy while working outdoors.

men working in the background with a water jug in the center

Hydration Is Crucial

Proper hydration is crucial for maintaining good health and productivity, especially during hot weather. Outdoor workers need to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, even if they do not feel thirsty. This is because the heat and physical activity can cause the body to lose water and electrolytes through sweat, leading to dehydration.

To guarantee that workers who work outdoors remain hydrated, it is essential to offer them access to clean and cool drinking water at the worksite. This can be provided through water coolers, water bottles, or other sources of potable water. Additionally, it is crucial to encourage workers to take regular breaks for hydration. Doing so will not only help them stay hydrated but also allow them to rest and recharge.

a man landscaping in appropriate clothing for the weather

Dress Appropriately

It is important to take precautions to prevent overheating and excessive sweating. One way to do this is by choosing lightweight, breathable clothing. This type of clothing allows air to circulate and helps to keep your body cool. Additionally, opt for light-colored clothing as it reflects sunlight and helps to keep you cooler. Darker colors tend to absorb heat, making you feel hotter. 

Another helpful tip is to wear a wide-brimmed hat. A hat can provide additional shade and protect your face and head from direct sunlight. It is especially important to protect your head as it is a common area for heat to escape from and can contribute to overheating. 

construction workers taking a break

Take Regular Breaks

Working in extreme heat can be physically demanding and can put workers at risk for heat-related illnesses. Workers need to take precautions and make sure they are taking care of their bodies while working in these conditions. One crucial measure to prevent heat-related illnesses is taking regular breaks to rest and cool down.

Taking breaks in shaded areas is highly recommended to give the body a chance to cool down and recover from the heat. Workers should also avoid engaging in strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day, typically between 10 am and 4 pm. This is when the sun is at its strongest and can cause the body to overheat quickly.

a worker experiencing heat stroke

Recognize Signs of Dehydration

Educating workers about the signs of dehydration is crucial for their health and safety. Dehydration occurs when the body loses too much water and essential electrolytes, and it can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. Common signs of dehydration include a dry mouth, headache, dizziness, and dark urine.

It is important for workers to be aware of these symptoms and to seek shade and rehydrate immediately if they experience any of them. This can help prevent further dehydration and potential health emergencies.

In addition to educating workers about the signs of dehydration, employers should also provide training on first aid procedures for heat-related illnesses. This includes how to recognize and respond to symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

At TEC Group, we prioritize the safety and well-being of outdoor workers. By following these essential tips for staying hydrated and healthy while working outside.  Remember, proper hydration is key to staying healthy and productive on the job. Contact TEC Group today to learn more about our job opportunities and how we prioritize the health and safety of workers.

Tips for Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce

TEC Group specializes in the unique staffing needs of accounting and finance-related positions. We use our market experience, and comprehensive recruiting process to find the most qualified and skilled employees to meet your workplace needs.

In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, effective leadership requires navigating the complexities of a multi-generational workforce. At TEC Group, we understand the importance of embracing diversity and fostering inclusivity to drive organizational success. With more than 40 years of experience in the industry, we offer insights and strategies to help you effectively manage and harness the collective strengths of your multi-generational team.

Understanding Generational Diversity 

A successful leader recognizes the importance of diversity in the workplace, not just in terms of race, gender, and culture, but also in terms of generational differences. Each generation brings its own set of perspectives, values, and work styles to the table, and a skilled leader understands the significance of these differences.

For example, the Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, often values loyalty and job stability. They are known for their strong work ethic and dedication to their careers. On the other hand, Gen Xers, born between 1965 and 1980, place a high value on work-life balance and autonomy. They are independent thinkers and prefer a flexible work schedule. Meanwhile, Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, prioritize purpose and career growth. They seek meaningful work and opportunities for advancement.

a group of different generations working together

Promoting Collaboration and Mentorship 

Fostering cross-generational collaboration is crucial for the success of any organization. With the workforce becoming increasingly diverse in terms of age, it is important to bridge the gap between generations and create a harmonious work environment. This can be achieved through various initiatives, such as mentorship programs and team-building activities.

Mentorship programs involve pairing experienced employees with younger colleagues, allowing for the transfer of knowledge and skills. This not only benefits the mentee, who gains valuable insights and guidance from their mentor but also the mentor, who can learn from the fresh perspectives and new ideas of their mentee. By promoting this type of relationship, organizations can create a culture of continuous learning and development.

a group of different people of different generations working together

Embracing Flexibility and Adaptability

Flexibility has become a crucial aspect for organizations to remain competitive and successful. With the rise of technology and globalization, companies are no longer confined to traditional 9-to-5 work hours or in-office work environments. As a result, offering flexible work arrangements and remote work options has become essential to accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of different generations in the workforce.

By providing flexibility, employers can attract a wider pool of talent and retain top performers. This is especially important as younger generations, such as Millennials and Gen Z, prioritize work-life balance and the ability to have control over their schedules. 

Different generations working together

Effective Communication Strategies 

Effective communication is the key to any successful relationship, and this is especially true when it comes to intergenerational communication. To ensure that messages are effectively delivered and understood across different age groups, it is important to utilize various communication channels. This can include face-to-face conversations, email, video conferencing, and social media platforms. By using a combination of these channels, leaders can reach a wider range of people and cater to different communication preferences.

However, it is not enough to simply communicate through various channels. It is also important to encourage active listening and feedback from all parties involved. This means creating a space where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas, and where their opinions are valued and taken into consideration.


Navigating the complexities of a multi-generational workforce requires leaders to embrace diversity, foster collaboration, and prioritize effective communication. At TEC Group, we are committed to helping organizations unlock the full potential of their workforce by providing tailored solutions and support.

Ready to optimize your multi-generational workforce? Contact TEC Group today to explore our comprehensive leadership development programs and workforce management solutions. Together, we can build a stronger, more resilient organization that thrives in today’s diverse business landscape.

How To Stay Motivated and Positive Through Your Job Search

TEC Group specializes in the unique staffing needs of accounting and finance-related positions. We use our market experience, and comprehensive recruiting process to find the most qualified and skilled employees to meet your workplace needs.

In the journey towards career advancement, partnering with a recruitment and staffing agency can be a game-changer. However, even with the best job search assistance, the process can sometimes feel lengthy and challenging. TEC Group, your trusted employment agency, is here to share effective strategies to keep you motivated and positive.

Start Looking for Jobs

Create a Structured Job Search Plan

Approach your job search like a professional project. Set clear, achievable goals for each day or week. This could be as simple as sending out a certain number of applications, reaching out to a temp agency for new openings, or dedicating time to networking. Structure brings control and a sense of progress, both of which are crucial for staying positive.

Celebrate the Small Wins

Every application sent, every connection made, and every interview secured is a step forward. Acknowledge these milestones and treat them as victories. This positive reinforcement can be incredibly motivating during a job search.

Take Constructive Breaks

While being regimented is important, so is rest. Schedule short, regular breaks to clear your mind. Whether it’s a walk, a hobby, or simply a quiet moment away from screens, these breaks can recharge your batteries and improve your focus.

Embrace Learning and Development

Use this time to enhance your skill set. Job placement agencies often provide access to training and development resources. Embrace these opportunities not only to make your resume more appealing but also to keep your mind engaged and forward-focused.

Stay Realistic But Optimistic

High applicant volume and rejection emails are part of the process. A staffing agency can help you navigate these challenges, offering perspective and advice on improving your approach. Remember, each ‘no’ is a step closer to the right ‘yes’.

Network Proactively

Networking can dramatically improve your visibility and chances of career advancement. Engage with professionals in your field, attend industry events, and stay active on professional platforms. Temp agencies and job placement agencies often host or have information on networking events, making them a great resource.

Research and Align with Your Passion

Use this time to delve into what you want from your career. Research companies you’re passionate about and align your approach with their culture and values. This alignment not only increases your chances of success but also ensures long-term job satisfaction.

Partner with a Trusted Employment Agency

Finally, remember that you’re not alone. A staffing agency like TEC Group is in your corner, offering tailored job search assistance, moral support, and industry insights. With us, you’re not just searching for a job; you’re strategizing for career advancement.

Staying motivated and positive during your job search is crucial, and with these strategies and the support of a dedicated staffing agency like TEC Group, you’re well-equipped to navigate this journey. Remember, every step you take is a leap toward your career advancement. Keep pushing forward, and trust that your efforts will bear fruit. Your dream job is out there, and with the right approach and support, you’re sure to find it.

Find Technical Jobs

Navigating the Talent Landscape: Trends in Executive Recruitment for 2024

TEC Group specializes in the unique staffing needs of accounting and finance-related positions. We use our market experience, and comprehensive recruiting process to find the most qualified and skilled employees to meet your workplace needs.

In the fast-paced realm of executive recruitment, staying ahead of trends is paramount. As the business landscape evolves, so do the strategies employed by executive search firms and headhunters. TEC Group, your strategic partner in career advancement, unveils the key trends shaping executive recruitment in 2024. Join us as we explore the landscape of strategic recruitment and how TEC Group is leading the way in connecting top-tier talent with transformative career opportunities.

Employees in a meeting

Rise of Niche Expertise

In the intricate dance of executive recruitment, the demand for niche expertise is escalating. TEC Group observes a shift toward hiring professionals with specialized skills and industry-specific knowledge. Companies seek leaders who possess a robust executive skill set and bring a deep understanding of the nuances within their respective sectors.

TEC Group recommends that executives focus on honing their niche expertise and showcasing it prominently in their profiles. By positioning themselves as experts in their fields, executives become highly sought-after candidates, adding significant value to organizations looking for leaders with a nuanced understanding of industry intricacies.

Woman pointing at a piece of paper showing something to coworker

Emphasis on Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are no longer just buzzwords; they are integral aspects of executive recruitment strategies. TEC Group acknowledges the growing emphasis on building diverse leadership teams that reflect a broad spectrum of experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives. Companies recognize the innovation and success that diverse leadership can bring.

TEC Group encourages executives to highlight their commitment to diversity and inclusion in their professional profiles. Executives who have championed diversity initiatives or led inclusive teams are positioned as valuable assets in today’s executive recruitment landscape.

Person on a video call

Remote Leadership Skills in High Demand

The rise of remote work has transformed the expectations for executive leadership. TEC Group notes that companies are actively seeking executives with proven remote leadership skills. The ability to inspire, guide, and foster a collaborative culture in a virtual environment is now a key competency for executive roles.

Executives should emphasize their experience in leading remote teams and driving success in virtual environments. TEC Group advises executives to showcase adaptability, effective communication, and the ability to maintain team cohesion despite geographical distances.

Woman working on computer

Tech-Savvy Executives Leading the Way

In the era of digital transformation, tech-savvy executives are in high demand. TEC Group observes a trend where companies seek leaders who not only understand the strategic implications of technology but are also adept at leveraging it for organizational growth and innovation.

TEC Group suggests that executives stay updated on technological trends relevant to their industries. Executives with a demonstrated ability to integrate technology for business success are positioned as forward-thinking leaders who can drive organizational evolution.

As the executive recruitment landscape evolves, TEC Group remains at the forefront, connecting top-tier talent with career-defining opportunities. Stay ahead of the curve by aligning with the trends in niche expertise, embracing diversity and inclusion, honing remote leadership skills, and showcasing tech-savvy capabilities. Elevate your executive career with TEC Group’s strategic guidance.

Elevate Your Executive Career with TEC Group

How to Find and Secure Opportunities in the Electrical Vehicle Field

TEC Group specializes in the unique staffing needs of accounting and finance-related positions. We use our market experience, and comprehensive recruiting process to find the most qualified and skilled employees to meet your workplace needs.

The automotive industry is undergoing a transformative shift, with the rise of Electric Vehicles (EVs) shaping the future of transportation. As the demand for sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives grows, so do opportunities in the EV sector. TEC Group, your trusted partner in career advancement, presents a comprehensive guide on how to find and secure opportunities in the Electrical Vehicle field. Discover the keys to reskilling and thriving in this exciting industry.

Electric car charging

Understand the EV Landscape

To navigate the Electric Vehicle industry, it’s crucial to understand its nuances and trends. TEC Group recommends staying informed about the latest developments, market demands, and technological advancements in EV cars. This knowledge will not only make you a more competitive candidate but will also help you identify the specific areas within the EV sector that align with your skills and interests.

Research the various segments of the EV industry, from battery technology to charging infrastructure. TEC Group highlights the significance of identifying your niche and aligning your skill set with the specific needs of the industry. This foundational understanding will guide your reskilling efforts and career choices.

Touching screen in electric car

Embrace Reskilling Opportunities

Reskilling is key to thriving in the evolving job market, especially in the rapidly advancing EV industry. TEC Group encourages professionals to explore reskilling programs, online courses, and certifications that cater to the specific skill sets demanded by the Electric Vehicle sector. This proactive approach ensures you are well-equipped for the opportunities that arise.

Investigate educational platforms offering courses in electric vehicle technology, battery management, and sustainable transportation. TEC Group emphasizes that by acquiring relevant skills, you not only enhance your employability but also contribute to the positive growth of the industry.

Two women talking while one plugs in her electric car to port

Network within the EV Community

Building a strong professional network is instrumental in securing opportunities in the Electric Vehicle field. TEC Group suggests attending industry conferences, joining online forums, and connecting with professionals and organizations actively involved in EV development. Networking provides valuable insights, mentorship opportunities, and potential job leads.

Engage with industry experts on platforms like LinkedIn, participate in relevant discussions, and attend networking events hosted by EV associations. TEC Group stresses the importance of establishing meaningful connections within the EV community to stay updated on job openings and industry trends.

Man charging his electric car

Showcase Transferable Skills

Transitioning into the Electric Vehicle industry may require showcasing transferable skills gained from previous experiences. TEC Group advises professionals to highlight skills such as problem-solving, adaptability, and project management, which are highly valued in the dynamic and innovative EV sector.

Craft a compelling resume and cover letter that emphasize your ability to contribute to the unique challenges and opportunities within the EV industry. TEC Group recognizes that showcasing transferable skills is essential for making a successful transition and standing out to potential employers.

Starting a career in the Electric Vehicle industry is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for growth and innovation. TEC Group empowers you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate this transformative landscape. By understanding the industry, embracing reskilling, building a robust network, and showcasing transferable skills, you can unlock the doors to a rewarding career in the rapidly expanding field of Electric Vehicles.

Explore EV Opportunities with TEC Group

How To Maintain Work-Life Balance When Going Back Into The Office

TEC Group specializes in the unique staffing needs of accounting and finance-related positions. We use our market experience, and comprehensive recruiting process to find the most qualified and skilled employees to meet your workplace needs.

As the professional landscape undergoes a significant shift, many of us find ourselves returning to the office after a period of remote work. Striking the right balance between professional commitments and personal life is crucial for overall well-being. TEC Group, renowned recruitment experts, understand the challenges professionals face.

Woman working on laptop

Establish Clear Boundaries

Setting boundaries is pivotal in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Define specific work hours and communicate them clearly to colleagues and superiors. TEC Group emphasizes the importance of creating a dedicated workspace at home and designating specific times for work-related tasks. This separation helps prevent work from encroaching into personal time, fostering a healthier balance.

TEC Group recommends establishing a routine that includes breaks, ensuring you step away from work to recharge. By clearly defining when the workday starts and ends, you can create a structure that promotes efficiency while safeguarding personal time. This clarity is vital, especially during the reintegration phase when work patterns may be in flux.

Man working on computer

Leverage Technology Wisely

Technology can be a double-edged sword when it comes to work-life balance. TEC Group suggests embracing technology to enhance productivity but also setting limits to prevent overworking. Utilize tools for efficient communication and collaboration, and consider employing productivity apps to manage tasks effectively. By leveraging technology wisely, you can streamline work processes without compromising personal time.

TEC Group underscores the significance of being mindful of screen time outside of working hours. Establish digital detox periods to disconnect from work-related emails and messages. This intentional break from technology fosters mental rejuvenation, allowing you to be more present in your personal life.

Woman reading a book

Prioritize Self-Care

TEC Group advocates for prioritizing self-care as an integral part of maintaining work-life balance. Make time for activities that rejuvenate and bring joy. Whether it’s exercising, reading, or spending quality time with loved ones, carving out moments for self-care contributes to overall well-being.

Incorporate self-care rituals into your daily or weekly routine, emphasizing activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress. TEC Group recognizes that taking care of your mental and physical health is not only beneficial for you but also enhances your professional performance.

Two men meeting at work

Foster Open Communication

Open communication is a cornerstone of a healthy work-life balance. TEC Group encourages employees to communicate transparently with their employers about expectations and challenges. By fostering a culture of understanding, both employers and employees can work together to create an environment that supports work-life harmony.

TEC Group advises initiating conversations with supervisors about flexible work arrangements or alternative schedules if needed. Open dialogue ensures that concerns are addressed and solutions are explored collaboratively, promoting a supportive work environment.

Achieving work-life balance in the evolving professional landscape requires intentional effort and strategic planning. TEC Group, as recruitment experts, understands the nuances of this transition and offers these insightful tips. By setting boundaries, leveraging technology wisely, prioritizing self-care, and fostering open communication, you can navigate the return to the office successfully. Embrace these practices, and let TEC Group guide you towards a harmonious and fulfilling work-life balance.

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How to Leverage Employment Solutions for Success

TEC Group specializes in the unique staffing needs of accounting and finance-related positions. We use our market experience, and comprehensive recruiting process to find the most qualified and skilled employees to meet your workplace needs.

In today’s competitive job market, finding and retaining top talent is crucial for businesses to thrive. That’s where TEC Group, the leading recruitment and staffing agency based in Michigan, comes in. With more than 40 years of industry experience, TEC Group specializes in providing exceptional personnel to employers and rewarding careers to job seekers. Below, we will explore how businesses can leverage employment solutions in order to streamline their talent sourcing and acquisition process, ensuring long-term success.

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Maximizing Talent Sourcing

Finding the right candidates can be a time-consuming process for any organization. TEC Group understands the challenges faced by employers in various industries, such as Aerospace, Automotive, Automation, and more. Our comprehensive staffing and recruitment support enables organizations to access a vast pool of qualified professionals. By leveraging our expertise, businesses can save valuable time and resources, and focus on their core competencies.

Customized Talent Acquisition

Every organization has unique hiring requirements. TEC Group offers tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of businesses across industries. Whether you need short-term, long-term, or permanent hires, our extensive experience allows us to identify candidates who align with your company culture and possess the necessary skill set. Our thorough vetting process ensures that you only receive qualified candidates who meet your specific hiring criteria.

Strategic Executive Search

Securing exceptional leaders is vital for any business’s growth and success. TEC Group specializes in executive search, helping organizations find top-level talent to steer their company in the right direction. Through a meticulous selection process, we identify individuals with proven track records and the ability to drive innovation, manage teams, and achieve business objectives. Our executive search services truly elevate your talent acquisition efforts.

Seamless Placement Solutions

TEC Group understands that different businesses require flexible personnel solutions. Whether you need supplemental workers to meet project demands or permanent employees to enhance your team, we have you covered. With TEC Group, businesses gain access to a wide range of employment options, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free placement process. We strive to exceed expectations at every step, providing tailored solutions that align with your business goals.

Staying Ahead of the Competition

The dynamic business environment of the modern era requires staying ahead of the competition and requires agility and adaptability. TEC Group’s employment solutions provide businesses with a competitive edge by ensuring access to top talent in a timely manner. With our dedicated team of experts and robust network, we stay up-to-date with industry trends, market demands, and emerging skill sets. By partnering with us, businesses can navigate the ever-changing talent landscape with confidence, securing the best candidates before their competitors. Effectively leveraging employment solutions is a strategic move that enables organizations to build a winning team and achieve sustained success.

Partner With TEC Group for Successful Employment Solutions

In the fast-paced business landscape, leveraging employment solutions is the key to success. TEC Group, with its unmatched industry experience and extensive service offerings, empowers organizations to optimize their talent sourcing and acquisition process. By partnering with TEC Group, businesses can save valuable time, gain access to a diverse pool of qualified professionals, and secure exceptional leaders to take their company to new heights.

For unparalleled recruitment and staffing support, get in touch with our team at TEC Group today. We can help you find the right talent and achieve long-term success.

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Manufacturing Workforce Solutions: Addressing the Skills Gap

TEC Group specializes in the unique staffing needs of accounting and finance-related positions. We use our market experience, and comprehensive recruiting process to find the most qualified and skilled employees to meet your workplace needs.

As the manufacturing industry continues to evolve and innovate, the demand for skilled workers is at an all-time high. However, many companies struggle to find the right talent to fill their workforce needs. At TEC Group, we understand the challenges employers face in sourcing and acquiring top-notch talent. That’s why we are committed to providing comprehensive manufacturing workforce solutions to bridge the skills gap and help businesses thrive.

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Talent Sourcing: Finding the Right Fit for Your Company

Finding the right individuals with the necessary skills and experience can be a daunting task for many employers. That’s where our expertise in talent sourcing comes in. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, we have developed a robust network of skilled candidates in various manufacturing disciplines. Whether your company is looking for experienced engineers, skilled tradespeople, or IT professionals, we can connect you with talented individuals who are the right fit for your organization.

Talent Acquisition: Ensuring Long-Term Success

Once the right candidates are identified, it’s essential to ensure a smooth and efficient talent acquisition process. TEC Group offers comprehensive recruitment support, including candidate screening, interviewing, and onboarding assistance. Our team of dedicated professionals understands the unique requirements of the manufacturing industry and can guide you through the entire talent acquisition journey. With our expertise, you can confidently bring in the right talent that aligns with your company’s goals and objectives.

Addressing the Skills Gap: A Strategic Approach

The skills gap in the manufacturing industry is a prevalent challenge businesses must address head-on. At TEC Group, we take a strategic and proactive approach to help employers overcome this obstacle. Our talent acquisition specialists work closely with businesses to understand their specific needs and design tailored workforce solutions. By partnering with us, companies can access a pool of skilled candidates and receive expert guidance on industry trends, training, and development opportunities to upskill their existing workforce.

TEC Group — Your Employment Solutions Partner

In the rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape, having a partner like TEC Group can make all the difference in addressing the skills gap and acquiring the right talent. We are dedicated to providing exceptional employment solutions, talent sourcing, and talent acquisition support to help businesses thrive. By leveraging our extensive industry experience and network, companies can optimize their workforce and stay ahead of the competition.

At TEC Group, we invite you to explore our comprehensive range of manufacturing workforce solutions and see how we can enhance your talent acquisition processes. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward addressing the skills gap in your organization. Together, we can build a stronger manufacturing workforce for a brighter future.

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The Loss of the Handshake

TEC Group specializes in the unique staffing needs of accounting and finance-related positions. We use our market experience, and comprehensive recruiting process to find the most qualified and skilled employees to meet your workplace needs.

COVID-19 has not only changed our personal lives, but it has also changed the way we conduct business.

Today’s focus is how we can avoid the spread of germs.

Ironically, according to Times Magazine, the stapled handshake was embedded in the patient-doctor relationship. Embedded to the point that handshakes between the two happened 83% of the time according to a 2007 analysis.

With that being said, The American Journal of Infection Control revealed that a handshake transfers nearly twice as many germs as a high five.

Now, the handshake is no more, at least for now.

Shaking someone’s hand was the first and last action during a business matter.

“I, myself, always believed the handshake would show me how strong a person is.”

TEC Group’s Social Media Specialist, Hannah says, “No one likes a weak handshake from a potential employee or a boss.”

Now that this world is waving goodbye to handshakes, others are thinking of what the new handshake will be.

We have one word: Bow.

“Personally, I never liked the handshake. Too much touching.” Says Recruiting Manager, Kyle. “The significance given to a handshake is man-made like any courtesy, we have the power to collectively change it and I think we should. I’ve always been interested in the much more reverent and hands-free bow, as exhibited in countries like Japan.”

With that, others show a spark of hope when it comes to a handshake comeback.

Tracy, Senior VP of Specialty Services says, “I think that it will take a while for the handshake to return, but it will eventually. For now, eye contact and a warm smile will have to suffice.”

But, we can’t be too confident while moving forward with the handshake. Samantha, TEC’s Safety/Benefits Coordinator says, “I think handshakes will need confirmation from the other person before you just go ahead and reach out your hand.”

STAR Method Interviewing

TEC Group specializes in the unique staffing needs of accounting and finance-related positions. We use our market experience, and comprehensive recruiting process to find the most qualified and skilled employees to meet your workplace needs.

Behavior-Based Interviewing

Behavioral-based interviewing is a big term that just means that interview answers should be framed as stories. Hiring managers know that you can tell them whatever they want to hear. For example, you can say, “I’m hard-working and work well with others,” but your potential employer wants you to prove it with specific examples.

STAR Method Components

One fail-safe behavioral interviewing technique is called the STAR format. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result, which are the steps that each story/ answer should follow.

Situation Set the stage of the story. You don’t have to describe your entire life leading up to the event, but give enough background so that a complete outsider can follow the context. Don’t forget to explain the problem you faced.

“When I was an HR director at ABC Company, we got an important new client that needed 500 pieces completed in two weeks. At the time, our team averaged just 50 pieces a week.”“ABC Dresses was a brand-new wedding dress vendor that was operated entirely by the designer. As part of a team of interns, the designer wanted us to help spread the word about her dresses.”

Task Establish the goal you were trying to reach. Your task should not be a job duty that you routinely performed. Instead, use a specific event or project.

“In order to fulfill in time, I needed to hire at least four new writers before the beginning of the project.”“Our team decided that a social media campaign was the best way to spread brand awareness. Our goal was to reach 1000 followers on each of four platforms by the end of the three-month internship.”

Action Describe what you did or how you achieved the goal. Make sure to focus on your efforts, not the efforts of a team. Help the interviewer see how your brain works when faced with a challenge.

“The first thing I did was make a priority list so that I didn’t neglect my other duties during the hiring process. Then, I deployed the job openings on all avenues I thought would be effective. Additionally, I asked my coworkers to share the openings with anyone that might be a fit. Finally, I organized group interviews to speed up the initial vetting process.”“My job was to conduct market research so we could target the right audience. I identified an appropriate sample group: a nearby college campus. I developed a survey that was short and easy, yet specific and actionable. I set up a booth at the food court for high-visibility to students who had a minute to spare during their lunch. I also brought chocolate as incentives.”

Results Tell what came of your efforts in as quantitative terms as possible.

“Not only did we fulfill our clients’ order, but we also delivered with only a .01% error rate, received five even larger orders from the client in the future, and added four new high-performing writers to our team.”“With the results of my survey, we were able to align our target audience with that of online influencers and interest groups who we partnered with. We reached our goal one week before the end of the internship. The growth velocity we started continued and after another three months, sales increased by five times.”


Listen carefully to the questionAsk for clarification if you’re not sure what is being askedAnswer all parts of the questionTell a storyQuantify your resultsUse examples from past internships, classes, team involvements, community service, or work experiencePrepare multiple answers ahead of time so you don’t draw a blank during the interview

Sample Questions

Driving for results: Tell us about a time when there was an obstacle preventing you from successfully completing a project. How did you get around the obstacle to obtain success?Innovative Solutions: Our company is always looking for innovative people who can achieve solutions. Tell us about a time that required a unique solution and how you achieved it.Customer Focus: Give us an example of how you took negative customer feedback and were able to achieve a positive result.Coaching: From time to time we all work with peers who are not performing or doing a good job. How have you handled that in the past?Building trust internally: Tell us about a time where you have worked with an individual who had different opinions from your own and how you handled that.Job satisfaction: Describe an occasion when you had either many or not many opportunities for creativity in your work. How satisfied did that make you? Why? What was the job that made you the most satisfied or dissatisfied with your work? What made it most satisfying or dissatisfying?Pride In One’s Work: In your job at xxxx, what was your definition of a job well done? Do you feel you did a good job? How could you tell? Provide an example. What were the standards for success in your position at xxxx? How did you meet the requirements? Do you have a recent example you can describe? Provide an example of a situation where you knew that a process was being done poorly. What did you do to correct it? How did that turn out?Making Decisions: Describe an instance when you had to analyze and interpret financial or numerical data. Describe a recent problem you discovered in your job at xxxx. What information did you use to identify the problem? Tell me about a complicated problem you encountered at work. What did you do to get a better understanding of the problem?Teamwork: Provide a situation where brainstorming produced differing or conflicting ideas with others. How did the goal get accomplished? Describe a time when you worked with a coworker to come up with roles and responsibilities. Have you ever helped someone come up with an idea? Give an example.Self Awareness: Tell me what areas you excel technically? What technical areas are your weaknesses that you need to improve?